Passive House BKLYN

Energy Revolution in a Brooklyn Townhome

Ductwork Installation Begins!

Over the past several weeks, a lot of energy went towards getting the ductwork for our energy system ‘just right’ in efficiency. The passive house consultant and HVAC contractor had multiple conversation to specify even the smallest of details. For instance, one specification is to have the ducts lined with foam pads in lieu of the industry standard fiberglass. (FIBERGLASS? In the ducts that supply the air we breath? Not in this house!) With that detail and many others sorted out, the installation finally began today.

Also this week, the carpenters are installing framing for the windows. We’re days away from our window order and have our specifications ready. Since window openings are big holes in our air barrier, the framing and connections between the windows are super important. Any square inch left uncovered will compromise our barrier – allowing “ungoverned’ air flow into and out of the house.

We also anticipate a plumbing inspection this week and expect the solar hot water equipment to be ordered. Our cellar slab pour has been delayed awaiting an inspection because the sewer and storm lines will run below the slab. We initially dug down 12″ inches so that a proper drainage detail can be incorporated into the new slab and a layer of foam can be sprayed below it. As part of our sustainable practices we specify that 20% of Fly ash be incorporated into the concrete mix. Fly ash is a byproduct from the coal industry that has been proven to strengthen concrete when added. It’s essentially coal ash that would otherwise be dumped in landfills.

Stay tuned as we begin to close up walls and conduct blower door tests.

4 responses to “Ductwork Installation Begins!

  1. Burton Haynes December 30, 2009 at 12:01 am

    Thanks for the very informative post. I ahve bookmarked the site as i usually do when its related to concrete.

  2. Honolulu floor installation December 30, 2009 at 8:47 am

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  3. Gregory Despain January 2, 2010 at 12:20 am

    Thanks for the very informative post. I have saved the website as

  4. Diane Menke November 2, 2010 at 2:58 pm


    I had a few questions about your project on the Passive Haus/Brownstone.

    Can you say why you are selecting windows from Germany vs local to the East Coast?

    Can you discuss the HVAC selection? I was wondering why you went with ducting and all its problems vs something like an electric heat pump or geo thermal or radiant floor heat with a split ducted AC system.

    I was concerned at the new very small roof joists you showed. Are you using them as roof joists or just for hanging your ceiling? They looked like 2×4 on a 7 or 8 foot span. I would have used at least a 2×8 since at some time in the future that roof will have a person walking on it. The cost is not much more for that little bit of lumber.

    Thanks and good luck with your project

    Diane Menke
    Myers Constructs Inc

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